Timothy Terrell
Timothy Terrell has over 25 years in, both public and privately owned television and radio broadcasting. He is the youngest son of an academic, social worker mother and a corporate HR president father. Growing up with a special place in his heart for the working middle class their issues, conservative values and an ear to the pulse of the families and business of hometown America. Tim has a clear belief of the great things we are capable of with guidance and the grey area where real life can often bring us. Tim brings the values and voice of his belief system and the strength to speak loudly, in the hope of inspiring greatness and growth in others.
"I have seen the greatness man is capable of and the evil we do. I have seen the light, recognize the black and white; and I know true life can be grey." ~~ Timothy Terrell
"I have seen the greatness man is capable of and the evil we do. I have seen the light, recognize the black and white; and I know true life can be grey." ~~ Timothy Terrell